- Which areas have the highest rates of conception?
- What differences between areas can you identify?
- What factors may affect the trends you have identified?
Discover More Teenage conception rates highest in the most deprived areas
This detailed slide presentation examines the representation of men and women in the media and ha...
Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister for Scotland, endured perhaps some of the most sexist media se...
Students could use this material, their own experiences and independent research to write a re...
After watching this talk, students could conduct their own content analysis of British newspap...
So what are, or is, ‘the media’? ‘Media’ is the plural of the word &ls...
Representation needs to be understood as a process of re-presenting. A process by which cultur...
Who sets the news agenda? This Radio 4 news programme provides a thorough and well-explained o...
With this background information provided, students could be tasked with researching and produ...
The documentary below examines the concentration of media ownership in the US. After watching ...
This podology resource provides some valuable examples of the ways in which new media can be s...
‘Media’ is a popular topic that has featured on A-level (and similar) Sociology courses for ma...