World Sociology Introduction
Sociology has, for a long time, been guilty of focusing primarily on Western societies, and in particular, the English-speaking world. In some respects, this is a consequence of language barriers – put simply, Sociologists often draw on studies and research they are able to read. However, particularly as Sociologists, it is important to recognise that the world is not an homogenous place, and English-speaking Western nations are not the only societies worth studying, and not the only place Sociology is done.

World Sociology Introduction 

World Sociology & Globalisation 

This section begins by providing an introductory investigation on world Sociology and globalisation, before moving onto consider ideas of ‘development’, ‘underdevelopment’ and global inequality, by looking at measuring development, social development, The Human Development Index and underdevelopment and the origins of dependency. Next we offer ideas for the classroom on globalisation and its influence on societies, by considering globalisation and homogenisation, and the myth of globalisation. Next we turn to looking at The World Trade Organisation, Transnational Corporations (TNCs), views on world trade, strategies for global development, and the war on terror. Finally we offer resources on education and development, health and development, and gender and development.



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